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Sharpen 33 EC

Sharpen 33 EC is a residual-action herbicide with mild contact action. Root absorption and by the developing buds. Limited translocation. It inhibits cell division at the level of mitosis, affecting the meristematic zones preventing the growth of susceptible plants soon after germination.

Sharpen 33 EC is indicated to combat annual weeds, both monocotyledons (grasses) and dicotyledons (broadleaf weeds) in potato, carrot, pea, bean, green bean, corn, citrus, apple, pear, cabbage (Savoy, cabbage and Portuguese), pepper, sunflower, chickpea, vine, nursery and golf course lawns.


Emulsion concentrate (EC) with 330 g/L or 34% (w/w) pendimethalin


AV No. 0672


100 ml / 1 L / 10 L


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